By Dr. Paul Calladine (Chiro)

Are you experiencing pain or 'whiplash' as a result of a recent car accident? Whiplash is, unfortunately, one of several injuries people may sustain as a result of a car accident. Here at Lyons Road Family Chiropractic (Drummoyne, Sydney) we commonly care for patients who have experienced injury as a result of a car accident or impact. In some cases, these patients have whiplash like symptoms and may benefit from a thorough chiropractic check up and series of adjustments.
Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain and Whiplash
Whiplash refers to injury caused by a severe jerk to the head, usually as a result of a car accident. Your soft tissues - muscles and ligaments - are extended beyond their normal range of motion, resulting in swelling, sprains, tears, pain and sometimes long term problems.
Did you know? Neck pain is the most frequently reported injury in cases of whiplash, however neck pain is also a common complaint among the general population (1).
"If I've suffered from whiplash, am I likely to experience neck or shoulder pain?"
This is a good question and an important consideration for someone who may have recently been involved in a car accident.
A whiplash study(1) set out to determine if there is an association between having been in a car accident, with or without a diagnosis of whiplash, and future neck and should pain. For those drivers who suffered whiplash as a result of a car accident, the study found an almost three-fold increase in the risk of developing neck and shoulder pain after the collision.
How may Chiropractic help after a Car Accident?
Chiropractic aims to free up stiff joints, increase joint range of motion, increase flexibility and improve postural misalignments. Chiropractic commonly helps reduce feelings of pain in the lower back, neck and shoulders.
If the cause of your neck or shoulder pain is related to an underlying structural issue - or was caused/aggravated by a car accident – chiropractic may be able to help you.
A thorough chiropractic check up aims to address your health concern by assessing your musculoskeletal and nervous system for issues. Our team here at Lyons Road Family Chiropractic are ready to assist you and to answer any questions you may have. If you have experienced whiplash, neck pain and/or shoulder pain, please call us now to see how we may help.
Take Action Today
If you have been injured in a car accident recently, please contact Lyons Road Family Chiro today on (02) 9819 6182. We can provide you with a thorough checkup and may provide recommendations for care.
About Dr Paul Calladine B.Sc.(Biol.), B.Sc.(Anat.), M.Chiro. (Gonstead Diplomate) and Lyons Road Family Chiropractic.
Lyons Road Family Chiro and Dr Paul (Chiro) have been serving the health care needs of Sydney's Inner West and Drummoyne communities for over 26 years. Paul is originally from Canada and has obtained high levels of tertiary qualifications from both Canada and Australia. Paul is a wealth of information on all things natural, on fitness, long term health, nutrition and of course, chiropractic.
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- (1) Berglund A, Alfredsson L, Cassidy JD, Jensen I, Nygren A, 2000. The association between exposure to a rear-end collision and future neck or shoulder pain: a cohort study. J Clin Epidemoil Nov;53(11):1089-94. Accessed July 2016 from
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